Remote Controlling the IC-7300 with WFView

Quote from Sean Wilson on February 18, 2023, 7:00 am
This is, at least for me, a game-changer! For the past few months, I've had issues with both my HF antennas. I participate in a daily net on 3.963MHz at 6am. I haven't been able to do anything but listen on SDR, which is awesome in itself, but not quite the participation level I would like.
My friend Lion (K1LEO) has an extra radio that he's been experimenting with, and put up WFView to drive it, using a micro PC he had laying around.
It's working very well, over all. It has a couple of quirks, and can quickly become overwhelmed if you do something it doesn't expect. Even then, though, you can restart your 7300 from the app itself, and you can always RDP into the machine, if you need to do something additional.
In the short-term, this gets me back on the air on HF. Long-term, I'm going to set this up on my own 7300, and have the ability to get on the air from anywhere in the world over the internet!
This is, at least for me, a game-changer! For the past few months, I've had issues with both my HF antennas. I participate in a daily net on 3.963MHz at 6am. I haven't been able to do anything but listen on SDR, which is awesome in itself, but not quite the participation level I would like.
My friend Lion (K1LEO) has an extra radio that he's been experimenting with, and put up WFView to drive it, using a micro PC he had laying around.
It's working very well, over all. It has a couple of quirks, and can quickly become overwhelmed if you do something it doesn't expect. Even then, though, you can restart your 7300 from the app itself, and you can always RDP into the machine, if you need to do something additional.
In the short-term, this gets me back on the air on HF. Long-term, I'm going to set this up on my own 7300, and have the ability to get on the air from anywhere in the world over the internet!