
Be it known that we, the subscribers, do hereby associate ourselves as a body politic and corporate pursuant to the Laws of the State of Minnesota regulating the formation and organization of non-profit corporations without capital stock, and the following is our Constitution:

Article I

The name of this organization is Isanti County Radio Club, hereinafter referred to as the ICRC.

Article II

This Constitution and By-Laws are adopted to bring the functions and operations of ICRC up to date, superseding and repealing all like instruments including but not limited to the Constitution and By-Laws adopted 10/18/2021

Article III

The goals of ICRC are to:

      • Promote interest in amateur radio communications and experimentation
      • Provide amateur radio public service
      • Relay non-commercial messages by radio without charge
      • Advance the radio art within the community

Article IV

No part of the assets of ICRC shall be the property of any individual member and all such assets shall be devoted exclusively to the goals set forth in Article III. No member of ICRC shall use such membership for personal gain. 

Article V

The principal office of ICRC shall be maintained at the address of ICRC radio room, or elsewhere as may be determined by a majority of the Executive Committee, provided due written notice shall be given the membership at least thirty days prior to any change.

Article VI

The officers of ICRC shall be the President, the Vice President, the Secretary, and the Treasurer, who shall be elected or appointed as provided by the By-Laws. The affairs of ICRC shall be governed by an Executive Committee consisting of the officers of ICRC, The Immediate Past President, and four Directors elected as provided by the By-Laws. All members of the Executive Committee shall be qualified as provided by the By-Laws. No member may serve in two elected positions simultaneously.  The trustee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee.

Article VII

ICRC shall have one or more classes of membership as provided by the By-Laws. The privileges, requirements, and qualifications for membership in such classes shall be as provided by the By-Laws.

Article VIII

These Articles may be amended by a two-thirds vote of all voting members of ICRC or, provided due notice of the proposed amendment shall have been posted on the website or emailed at least thirty days before the regularly scheduled meeting of ICRC at which such proposed amendment is to be voted upon, by a two-thirds vote of the voting members present at such meeting, provided a quorum as defined in the By-Laws is present.

Due notice for the purposes of the modification of the Constitution shall be made known to members of ICRC by way of the preceding monthly meeting, announcements on the weekly radio nets, and on ICRC’s web site at least thirty days in advance of the action taken.

Duly adopted this 10/18/2021 by a majority vote of attending members.
Isanti County Radio Club


Jodie Showalter KC0MWY, Secretary
Todd Guse KC0NTP, President

A signed copy available to view here: ICRC-Constitution.pdf