VE Testing

Our club is an accredited Laurel VEC testing team.

See our calendar at the lower right to look for upcoming exam sessions, or go to the Laurel VEC site and search for upcoming sessions in your area.

We will soon have scheduled exams quarterly.

Once you’ve identified an upcoming VE test session you’d like to register for, please go here to register:


If you’d like more information, please send email to and we’ll respond quickly.


You must have an existing FRN (FCC Registration Number) before you can test.  This cannot be done at the test session, as there is a bit of lag between requesting an FRN and receiving one.  Instructions for requesting an FRN can be found here.

There is no exam fee for a Laurel VE session, but the FCC will charge a $35 licensing fee.  Upon successful completion of the test, the FCC will email instructions on paying that fee.  Instructions can also be found here.